Thinking aquaculture
for the Future

Tomorrow’s Aqua is an online aquaculture consulting office
specialized in low and medium density farms


The world aquaculture production outgrown the fisheries one and continues to increase each year to meet the demand, which is also always increasing. Tomorrow’s Aqua’s objectif is to support and guide the development of aquaculture towards sobriety and quality rather than quantity and density of production.

The race towards intensification, globalization and technology is too often presented as the only possible way for the future of aquaculture, yet more and more farmers prove that more artisanal, low-tech and local production makes it possible to produce quality and better valued products with a low energy consumption, less need for raw materials and a low environmental impact.

Tomorrow’s Aqua is open to everyone who have a long term vision for aquaculture and who share the conviction that its development should not necessarily move towards more intensity and density, but towards more quality. And this devellopment must respect farmers and their work as well as consumers and the environment.

Integrated pond farm, mud crabs and rice, in Ca Mau province, southern Vietnam

Who am I?

Guillaume Lourmière

Tomorrow’s Aqua’s director and aquaculture consultant

Bachelor degree sustainable aquaculture and quality management, Savoie Mont-Blanc University, France.
Master’s Degree tropical aquaculture, Can Tho University, Vietnam.
6 years of experiences in aquaculture before created Tomorrow’s Aqua in 2023.

In France, extensive pond and intensive trout farm worker, also studied about French seashells culture.
In Vietnam, tilapia RAS technician, intensive shrimp farm manager, research assistant on the main shrimp diseases geographical ditribution and evolution in Mekong Delta, and studied about tropical aquatic environments.


Aquaculture consultancy

  • Technical feasability study
  • Technical audit
  • Farm design
  • Farm management
  • Waste valorisation
  • Aquaculture status reports
  • Policies guidelines for aquaculture

Aquaculture types

  • Tropical and temperate water
  • Low and medium density farms
  • Extensive and intensive productions
  • Raceway
  • Ponds (fresh and salt water)
  • Low-tech RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System)

Main species

  • Rainbow trouts
  • Tilapias
  • Catfishes (Asian and African)
  • Shrimps (whiteleg and tiger)




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